Every student deserves a well-resourced and easily accessible library. The tie between libraries and academic success is well documented. It’s been proven that reading for pleasure is the single most important indicator of a child’s future success. Accessit helps to engage students in the school library catalogue, supporting them in their reading and discovery.
Sidmouth College has a well-stocked library that is available via our Accessit. To use Accessit visit the College Portal and select the AccessIt icon and you are on your way. See below the 'How to use Accessit' Video and an Accessit Helpguide with all the information to get you started on using the library catalogue and find the books that you would like to read. Once you have selected your book titles on Accessit, the reserved list will be checked daily and the books delivered to your tutor room in the morning. For those students that have Accelerated Reader book levels please try to select books within that range using the search tool shown here. Returns and renewals can be done on your way to an English lesson - just pop your return in the box and renew at the desk by holding the book out for scanning. |