Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
Heads of House
Grenville - Miss Hughes
Drake - Mrs Ryce
Scott - Miss Carnell
Raleigh - Mr Richards
Drake - Mrs Ryce
Scott - Miss Carnell
Raleigh - Mr Richards
English Department
Mr Herbert (Head of English)
Mrs Dudman
Miss Carnell
Mrs Fisher
Mr Atkinson
Mrs Davey
Mrs Wright
Miss Evans
Mr Richards
Mr Fuller
Mrs Dudman
Miss Carnell
Mrs Fisher
Mr Atkinson
Mrs Davey
Mrs Wright
Miss Evans
Mr Richards
Mr Fuller
Maths Department
Miss Charalambous (Associate Senior Leader and Head of Maths)
Mrs Masters
Mr Sanders
Mr Steele
Miss Soloman
Mrs Masters
Mr Sanders
Mr Steele
Miss Soloman
Science Department
Miss King (Head of Science)
Mrs Clark
Miss Hughes
Mrs Bayliss
Mrs Churchill
Mr Marshall
Mrs Ritchie
Mr Wilman
Mrs Puddicombe (Technician)
Mrs Fitzmaurice (Technician)
Mrs O'Brien (Technician)
Miss O'Brien (Technician)
Mrs Clark
Miss Hughes
Mrs Bayliss
Mrs Churchill
Mr Marshall
Mrs Ritchie
Mr Wilman
Mrs Puddicombe (Technician)
Mrs Fitzmaurice (Technician)
Mrs O'Brien (Technician)
Miss O'Brien (Technician)
Humanities Department
Miss Hext (Head of RE)
Mrs Demetre (RE)
Mrs Sullivan (R.E)
Mr Sullivan (Associate Senior Leader and Head of Geography)
Mr Gilbert (Geography)
Mr Cross (Geography)
Mr Dean (Geography)
Mr Trengove (Associate Senior Leader and Head of History)
Mr Dale (History)
Mr Cross (History)
Mr Demetre (Psychology)
Mrs Whitbread (Psychology)
Mrs Todd (Sociology and Media Studies)
Mrs Demetre (RE)
Mrs Sullivan (R.E)
Mr Sullivan (Associate Senior Leader and Head of Geography)
Mr Gilbert (Geography)
Mr Cross (Geography)
Mr Dean (Geography)
Mr Trengove (Associate Senior Leader and Head of History)
Mr Dale (History)
Mr Cross (History)
Mr Demetre (Psychology)
Mrs Whitbread (Psychology)
Mrs Todd (Sociology and Media Studies)
Business, Leisure and Tourism Department
Mr Kanda (Head of Business Studies)
Mr Jenkins
Mr Jenkins
Technology Department
Mr Walshaw
Mr White
Mrs Reeve
Mr McGreevy
Mr Swindell (Technician)
Mrs Richards (Technician)
Mr White
Mrs Reeve
Mr McGreevy
Mr Swindell (Technician)
Mrs Richards (Technician)
Computer Studies Department
Mr Kanda (Head of Computer Science)
Mr Jenkins
Mr Jenkins
Modern Languages Department
Mr O'Neill (Head of MFL)
Mrs Willinger
Mrs Southgate
Mrs Willinger
Mrs Southgate
Art Department
Mrs Fry (Head of Art & Photography)
Mrs Chapple-Hyam
Mrs Bennett
Mrs Hall (Technician)
Mrs Chapple-Hyam
Mrs Bennett
Mrs Hall (Technician)
Drama Department
Mrs Davey (Head of Drama)
Miss Collins
Miss Collins
Music Department
Mr Morgan
P.E. Department
Mrs Omand (Head of PE)
Mr Williams
Mr Jackson
Mr Thompson
Miss Roberts
Mr Williams
Mr Jackson
Mr Thompson
Miss Roberts
Sixth Form
Mrs Hurley (Head of Sixth Form)
Mrs Elliott (Sixth Form Administrator)
Mrs Elliott (Sixth Form Administrator)
Health & Social Care, Personal Development
Mrs Whitworth
Careers, Enterprise & Work Related Learning
Mrs Young
Cover Staff
Mrs Richardson (Cover Organiser)
Mrs Southgate
Mr Cross
Mr Jenkins
Mr Corby
Mrs Southgate
Mr Cross
Mr Jenkins
Mr Corby