The Careers Programme begins in Year 7 and continues throughout the College. It is taught mainly by the PSHE team, Tutors, supported by the Careers and Work Related Learning Co-ordinator who is the Careers leader for the school, staff from Future Smart Careers and local business partners.
The emphasis is on providing information and increasing self-awareness and decision- making. We encourage students to look carefully at their own abilities and preferences and to make realistic choices about the future. Careful planning can help you achieve your goals and, in Year 9, you begin more career focused tasks.
In Year 9, you will be supported through the allocation of courses for GCSE. You will meet Future Smart Careers staff, learn how to use the College’s Careers Library, take part in a Careers Roundabout to try out a variety of occupational taster sessions and, following this, investigate and prepare a presentation on an occupational area of interest.
In Year 10, you will find out about the skills required for the world of work, as well as prepare yourself for Work Experience.
In Year 11, the emphasis is on Post-16 Opportunities and preparation for interviews, including preparing application forms, CV preparation, learning how to prepare for an interview and having the opportunity to practise these skills with business partners in a mock interview. The Careers staff are available for advice and guidance throughout the year and all students are invited to attend a careers interview.
Sixth formers receive help and guidance with Higher Education, financial capability and employment choices.
Students of all ages are encouraged to make an action plan for their future and offered interviews with the CSW Adviser in order to discuss career options. The College has a fully-equipped Careers Library, which is available to students throughout the day. Information is also available on the computers in the Careers Library and office and on the internet.
Sidmouth College has an Investors In Careers accreditation. You can view more information about the accreditation and the process the College has to go through here.
We measure the impact of our programme by evaluations of events from staff, business partners and students.
Sidmouth College Careers Lead: Mrs N Young Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01395 514823 ext 259
We have a Careers and Work Related Learning Co-ordinator who is a qualified careers advisor. We also buy in additional resources from Future Smart to support this.
Our Future Smart Careers personal adviser works with College staff to:
give you expert and up-to-date information on available job, training and education opportunities
help you understand that information through group work, one-to-one interviews, drop in sessions or through parent events
give you support or refer you to other agencies who can advise you about the relevance of courses to your goals
support careers and citizenship education programmes
The Personal Adviser will see all Year 11 to Year 13 students to discuss career ideas. You may be referred through the referral system or you can self-refer from year 7. Much of the work will entail one-to-one support and guidance with additional involvement of specialist agencies where appropriate.
All students in Year 10 take part in at least one week of Work Experience, held at the end of the Summer Term.
During the weeks leading up to Work Experience, you will receive help and support from the our Careers and Work Experience Co-ordinator, and from Head of House and Tutors. You will be encouraged to take responsibility for finding your own placement with a local employer.
During your placement, a member of the College will visit you to make sure that everything is going smoothly. Students gain a valuable insight into the world of work, learn about their own strengths and weaknesses, and often clarify future career ambitions. All students following vocational courses will have a work experience placement as an integral part of their course.
Part-time Work
Did you know that if you have a weekend job, or work before or after school, you must have a work permit and that this is law? Your employer is legally responsible for applying for the permit and failure to do so can lead to prosecution and heavy fines.
The law is there to protect children – work permits can only be issued for work that is allowed by law and only for the hours children are permitted to work. Children working without a permit are employed illegally and may not be covered by their employer’s insurance. This has serious implications for those children who are injured at work and need compensation.
The hours children can work vary according to their age and whether it is term or holiday time and the legislation surrounding the employment of children is complicated. If you are concerned that you might be working illegally with no permit, or have a permit but are being unfairly treated, you can find advice here.
To find out more information about how to apply for a work permit, see Mrs Young.
Please note that, whilst we acknowledge that part-time employment can offer valuable life skills, it can also be a serious drain on your time and energy, particularly in exam years. So, please think hard about how much time you give to employment and how much that leaves for school work.
We strongly recommend that you apply for a work permit.