Equality Objectives at Sidmouth College
Sidmouth College has an inclusive vision. As a college we put students first, have effective learning at the heart of all we do and promote a climate of success and achievement for every student. We have a passion for, and a commitment to, the core purpose of education and focus relentlessly on each student’s right to the very best provision and recognised that this is best achieved through a culture of honesty, openness and trust which:
- is challenging, supportive and inclusive
- delivers top quality learning experiences
- develops, character, responsibility and commitment
- celebrates and rewards effort, progress and achievement at all levels
- reaches out to the wider community
- recognises individuality within a vibrant community
- inspires all to improve and maximise their progress
Every member of our community matters. As a college, we provide education to students, we are an employer and we provide services to the wider community through access to our specialist knowledge, resources and facilities. To support our vision and aspiration for true equality of opportunity our Equality Policy brings together Sidmouth College’s approach for promoting equality in fulfilling these three roles (educator; employer; service provider) so that no group or individual feels excluded or unable to achieve their potential. The policy therefore includes students, staff, governors, parents/carers and the community users of our facilities. It is important to recognise that treating people equally does not mean treating them the same.
As well as setting out equality objectives we also assess our existing and new policies and practices to ensure that we comply with the Public Sector Equality duty and advance equality of opportunity.
If you have questions or comments regarding Equality at Sidmouth College please contact [email protected]