PSHE including Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)At Sidmouth College our Personal, Social, Health and Economic education will stay with our students for life. Through the development of skills and attributes such as honesty, compassion, integrity and self-management, our PSHE curriculum will provide our students with the knowledge, resilience and confidence to make safe, healthy and informed choices, now and in the future. Empowering our students to understand themselves and their role in society; to reflect on their values, morals and behaviour and to be able to openly discuss and evaluate their personal development. Our PSHE curriculum is carefully planned and delivered through a one hour a fortnight lesson to all students in Years 7 – 11. PSHE is taught by specialist teachers, through a range of teaching methods and interactive activities, including; role play, group and class discussion, online programs, student led research, developing understanding of key terms and tier 3 vocabulary through regular quizzes and specialist workshops. Lessons are differentiated by the PSHE staff to ensure that all learners can access and benefit from the PSHE curriculum. A strong emphasis is placed on the development of social and communication skills, this often allows students with literacy needs to be successful through verbal input. Selected resources, such as books and film clips, will be used which support and promote understanding within a moral/values context and underpin our college values. Students are encouraged to reflect on their own learning and progress by creating a mind map at the start of each unit in response to the key question for that unit, this is revisited at the end of the unit so that students can add, in red pen, any new learning. At the end of each half term unit, all students complete a quiz to assess their understanding of the key terms vocabulary for that unit. This is marked automatically and the scores are recorded in their PSHE work booklet. At Sidmouth College our PSHE curriculum will:
From September 2020 the DFE guidance document ‘Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (RSHE): statutory guidance for governing bodies, proprietors, head teachers, principals, senior leadership teams, teachers’ became statutory. This document clearly sets out the curriculum content that secondary schools must deliver on RSE and Health Education. This document contains information on what schools should do and sets out the legal duties with which schools must comply when teaching Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (RSHE). This can be read here. Right to withdraw your child Parents and carers do not have the right to withdraw from Health Education or the Relationships Education element of Relationships and Sex Education, because it is important that all children receive this content, covering topics such as friendships and how to stay safe. If parents and carers do not want their child to take part in some or all of the Sex Education lessons they can ask that they are withdrawn. The Principal of Sidmouth College will consider this request and discuss it with the parents and carers, and will grant this in all but exceptional circumstances, up until three school terms before the student turns 16. At this age, the child can choose to receive Sex Education if they would like to, and Sidmouth College will arrange for your child to receive this teaching in one of those three terms (unless there are exceptional circumstances). Please see here for further details here. Our college Sex and Relationship Education policy can be read here. If you have any questions or concerns please contact our PSHE Lead: Mrs Whitworth [email protected] |
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