RE Department IntentThe aim of Religious Education is to explore what people believe and what difference these beliefs make to how people live. Religious Education gives us the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, it also helps us reflect on our lives and beliefs. Key stage 3
Religious Education is studied by all students at Sidmouth College. It is a lively and interesting subject in which students are encouraged to learn about others, express opinions and think carefully about important questions. A variety of religious and non-religious viewpoints are considered and students are left to make their own decisions about issues of faith and purpose. The courses allow many opportunities for meeting visitors, taking part in trips and activities and working with other subjects.
What do students study? Year 7 Can I make sense of religion? Can I make sense of the world? Why is Jesus important to Christians? An Introduction to Sikhism An Introduction to Philosophy. Year 8 Injustice Peace Buddhism Interfaith Project Year 9 An Introduction to Ethics Rites of Passage and Celebration Suffering Introduction to GCSE: Islam We study particularly the religions of Islam, Sikhism and Buddhism, alongside Christianity. Other religious beliefs and the viewpoints of Humanism are also studied. How are students assessed? Students are given half termly assessments. These could take the form of an assessed homework, a project, a piece of extended writing, a debate or a more formal test. Many assessments take the form of GCSE style questions to help students prepare for the type of questions they will face in KS4. Key stage 4
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Students will develop a whole range of skills including those of presentation of an argument, analysis, evaluation, empathy, and understanding of current events and religious beliefs. EXAM BOARD, COURSE CONTENT & ASSESSMENT DETAILS There are two exam papers at the end of this course, both exams are 1hour and 45 minutes long. We study Edexcel B – focussed on Christianity, Islam, and ethical issues. Areas of study Religion and Ethics Belief in God Matters and the family Living the Religious Life—Islam Matters of life and death Religion, Peace and Conflict Belief in God Crime and Punishment Living the Religious Life—Christianity Peace and Conflict WHAT CAN THIS COURSE LEAD TO POST 16? The course could lead to A Level Philosophy and Ethics, Sociology, Health & Social Care, Childcare FOR WHAT CAREERS WILL THIS COURSE BE USEFUL? Religious Studies is valued in a whole range of careers as it shows that you can listen to the opinions of others and present your own views. Careers where it is particularly useful include Police, Social Work, Medicine, Law, Personnel Management, Teaching and Politics. As well as complementing a number of post 16 options through development of a range of skills. Critical thinking, essay writing, investigative, analytical and critical evaluation skills. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION Please note that a whole range of views are discussed in the course and students are encouraged to understand the views of others and to express their own opinions. The course is suitable for students of all faiths and none. Key stage 5
Philosophy and EthicsIntroduction Philosophy and Ethics is a Religious Studies A Level. It is a fascinating and stimulating subject, tackling such questions as: Is there a God? Why do we suffer? How do we know right from wrong? Is there Life after Death? What do students study? The course is an investigation of the Philosophy of Religion and Ethics. We follow the Edexcel A Level course. There is a lot of class discussion and you will be asked to investigate issues, present arguments and reach conclusions. Students will be learning to think critically and evaluate and analyse a range of arguments as well as presenting and explaining their own views. We study arguments for the existence of God, Miracles, Suffering and Evil, Life after Death, Ethical Theories such as Utilitarianism and Deontology, Abortion, War, Environmental and Sexual Ethics. We also look in detail at a religion, doing an in depth study of beliefs and practices. How are students assessed? Assessment is carried out through examinations only. The papers contain short and essay style questions, based on the following:
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